RHLS is a design duo thats prolific and scattered inventing around Brooklyn wherever we are pushed or welcomed.. Known for loud honest fuck it whimsy and careful geometric obsession. We are dreamers, capitalist confrontationists, outsiders, leaders, believers, lovers, free fall fearless empathetic eyes, guidance dogs and fried egg ladies.
Outside of time and trend = effortless to wear. RHLS creates garments that encourage play to enter daily life. Made in NYCShop by appointment at MOVES 622 Broadway Brooklyn NY 11206. Floor 2 above the old furniture warehouse. Buzz moves to enter. Off the Lorimore J M stop and the Broadway G.
By appointment 7 days a week 12pm-8pm. Complimentary beverages while you shop. Call 646 504 0658 or email [email protected] 2-24 hours ahead.
instagram @movesbrooklyn
twitter @RHLS_NYC